Australia - Vietnam Trade & Investment Promotion


Xúc Tiến Thương Mại & Đầu Tư Việt - Úc

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Tổ chức Xúc tiến Thương mại và Đầu tư Australia-Việt Nam được thành lập vào ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2016 với tầm nhìn tham vọng nhằm xây dựng cầu nối giữa các doanh nhân tại Australia và Việt Nam. Những người sáng lập là những người trẻ tuổi, nhiệt huyết, có học vấn cao và năng động. Australia-Vietnam trade & Investment Promotion was established on 1st July 2016 with anambitious vision to build a bridge between business people in Australia and Vietnam. The founders are youth, enthusiastic, well-educated and enormous

Ngày thứ 2 tại Hội chợ Global Sourcing Expo

Another productive day at the Global Sourcing Expo with many meaningful activities.

Attending the seminar on Global Supply Chains and Sustainable Development in the Garment Industry, we gained insights into the latest trends and shared optimal solutions for businesses.

Attending Seminars at Trade Fairs
Attending Seminars at Trade Fairs

Notably, we welcomed business associations, international partners, and company representatives at our booth, who came to explore the potential of the Vietnamese market. Many Vietnamese enterprises also expressed their strong desire to access the Australian market!

Businesses and Partners Visiting Our Booth
Businesses and Partners Visiting Our Booth

These meetings not only opened up opportunities for collaboration but also helped us spread the message of a dynamic Vietnam ready to expand globally.

Stay tuned as we continue to bring you exciting updates from the Expo. Don’t miss out on important information!

Australian Partners and Businesses Engaging at Our Booth
Australian Partners and Businesses Engaging at Our Booth

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